This vote has ended. See LEGO Message Boards Wiki:Emoticon Vote for more information.
I dunno how this all works cause I never suggest anything on here anymore. :P I'm still accustom to just adding emoticons to the Mediawiki page when I feel like it, but that's not how it is anymore so. Yeah! LEGO Happy Bounce! Instead of the other happy bounce I vote that we use this one instead cause I made it. :P And it's LEGO. :P Swipe -- Swipe chat

Name: Happy Bounce (That is actually LEGO)
Usage: (bouncey), (legobounce)
- Can I support my own Emoticon? :P If not just like, remove this or something. :P Swipe -- Swipe chat
- I was about to oppose. Then I realised how much easier ships would be confirmed with the use of this emote. Alemas2005: Mostly Harmless(Talk to me) 15:14, August 16, 2016 (UTC)
- now this is a happy bounce emote -Soe
- yeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeey ~kEd
- Ok ~Hype (Message me)
- Jesus christ this is hideous The Bubble of Impossibility (wall ? contribs) 15:16, August 16, 2016 (UTC)
- Although not as bad as the other "Happy Bounce" emote proposal, I find it rather redundant. ~ Monocle Man
- no NG (talk) 15:26, August 16, 2016 (UTC)
- too much "kawaii!! rawr :3" for my taste †hę Djøkøvïϛ Fån