LEGO Message Boards Wiki

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Please No


Name: Please No
Usage: (plsno) (noway)

I have no idea what it would look like downsized. But it's already small, maybe it wouldn't have to be downsized? Idk. LSB


  1. LSB
  2. why not Nightfall395 (talk) 16:17, March 31, 2015 (UTC)


  1. Nuuu. «†J•cI•u•cI•e•420†» (Wall) -Retired Bureaucrat
  2. Plzno My PageMessage Wall!My Blog! • I have Special:Editcount/Starrocks923 edits!
  3. Nope. GrumpyFace Alemas2005: Mostly Harmless(Talk to me) 16:17, March 31, 2015 (UTC)
  4. What has already been said. Aravis (talk)
  5. When downsized, it will likely just look rubbish, and I'm not really a fan of implementing more gifs and/or non-standard-sized emotes. Besides, I'm pretty sure that the emotion conveyed in this is best expressed by just all lower case letters and no punctuation or something, to me, anyway. GuacamoleCCXR (talk) 16:42, March 31, 2015 (UTC)
  6. It's a cool .gif, but it wouldbe really hard to see what's going on with it if it was downsized. Carchathol Arodan (talk) 16:54, March 31, 2015 (UTC)
  7. Per above. KatJuriHanTalk
  8. Nah Colonel Roy Mustang (talk) 21:32, April 4, 2015 (UTC)
  9. Agreed with everything above. -Harold89 (talk)
  10. ^^SMOL
  11. Per Guac. --Lily
  12. Yeah, it's too small. Sorry. Satoshi2 (talk) 13:44, April 6, 2015 (UTC)Satoshi2