LEGO Message Boards Wiki

This vote has ended. See LEGO Message Boards Wiki:Emoticon Vote for more information.

A Thomas Train emote to use wherever you feel the need. Can be used to express horror, mock surprise, sarcasm, and weirdness.

Horrified Train


Name: Horrified Train
Usage: (train) (henry) (ttte)


  1. It's beautiful- ToneTyphoon
  2. loomy approves Green-kool-aid-man LCF (talk!) Purple-kool-aid-man 02:01, February 24, 2015 (UTC)
  3. Best emote ever 11/10 i am currently doing an approve of the thomas revolution Chocolate chip cookie pizza. Yes, that's an actual thing. (talk) 02:15, February 24, 2015 (UTC)
  4. Yesssssss SwipeIsEpic Legofrodo12 (talk) 02:48, February 24, 2015 (UTC)
  5. This is bricking amazing. feet
  6. of course SMOL
  8. of course KatJuriHanTalk
  9. only if we get more βתغъ☺γ 24 Feb 2015 18:49:46
  10. Yes, why not. Better than some of the other emotes we currently have anyway Tongue Smiley-1 ~ Luke McSwagger
  11. Yes, go on ~ User: TheRealIndianaBonesSulfrix9
  12. we need more thomas. -Dr. Satl, M.D.
  13. A creative expression that would be well utilized in our chat discussions. Lilac Neko (talk)
  14. Unlike some of the other admins, I don't really see emoticons as possibly being frivolous. They're just used for fun, so why not have fun emotes? If this later dies out of common use, we can always remove it... -Ireithien
  15. Yussssss. ~~~~ZXSpidermanXZ
  16. I support SPACESHIP!!!-Benny
  17. Yes, lol xD ~Kydle
  18. Yes yes yes! xD Definitely! ~User:Mishkaiel


  1. Ug, you guys and your useless emotes. :P «†J•cI•u•cI•e•420†» (Wall) -Retired Bureaucrat
    This emote is actually useful, unlike "llama" which no one ever uses, yet you supported. SMOL
    Um, I use llama. Derp —Preceding unsigned comment added by Legofrodo12 (talkcontribs)
    I don't use it often, but it's one of those semi-useless emotes I just had to support. :P Template:Jd/SIg
  2. Why would we need or want a train emote? :P ~ Obi the LEGO Fan (Talk) (Edit Count) 05:00, February 24, 2015 (UTC)
  3. Wth you people - Slicer_Vorzakh (wikia yuno like Android)
  4. In chat it'll end up looking like Horrified-train so it will hardly even be distinguishable. I don't see it being useful. --Bourgeoisie (talk) 01:57, February 25, 2015 (UTC)
  5. Too ugly.... Besides, whenwould we ever use it? >---Avalair---> (Talk to meh) 13:08, February 26, 2015 (UTC)
    I made the train brighter - Lilac
    Still looks bad in emote size: Horrified-train-brighter At that size it's hard to distinguish what the emote could even mean. --Bourgeoisie (talk) 22:11, February 27, 2015 (UTC)
  6. Completely useless. Looks horrible in emote size. If you really must use it, it's not that hard to link the image in chat Pixel sword ҂Ḡṍḡԍζϵϛ99҂ Pixel sword2 Wall - Blogs

It looks good to me in emote size SPACESHIP!!!-Benny