LEGO Message Boards Wiki

This vote has ended. See LEGO Message Boards Wiki:Emoticon Vote for more information.

A cool emote to use when chat gets crazy

Burning Christmas Tree

(Fire Xmas)

Name: Burning Christmas Tree
Usage: (Fire Xmas)


  1. I'll support this, good to use for crazy times Tongue Smiley-1
  2. I love it!Live long and prosper (talk) 22:44, April 1, 2017 (UTC)
  3. Sure, why not. :P LegoWebby101


  1. Why. Alemas2005: Mostly Harmless(Talk to me) 22:44, April 1, 2017 (UTC)
  2. I agree with Ale. WHY? Marshal6000 (talk) 23:01, April 1, 2017 (UTC)
  3. i can't even tell what it is -Derpulse