LEGO Message Boards Wiki

This vote has ended. See LEGO Message Boards Wiki:Emoticon Vote for more information.



Name: JdudeLlama
Usage: (jdll)

[The results of chat: We must have a llama emote! Please vote. =)

i am seeing that i have made llama with transparent LlamaJdude.png it will be looking better as emote Mel


  1. If this does not become an emote, I will eat a plant. -ItsCryptiid
  2. Yes Green-kool-aid-man LCF (talk!) Purple-kool-aid-man 03:34, November 11, 2014 (UTC)
  3. So cute must have. SwipeIsEpic Impulse 03:39, November 11, 2014 (UTC)
  4. I would definitely use a llama emote in my chat conversations. The llama's expression conveys emotions that cannot be shown with a Lego minifigure face. --Lilac
  5. I should have an emote...., since someone deleted my (Jdie) and wouldn't allow it... :P Besides, llamas rule and we have all kinds of weird, stupid, pointless emotes already - why not one more, and it honors my odd love of llama! «†J•cI•u•cI•e•420†» (Wall) -Retired Bureaucrat
  6. 5. Llamas are amazing and adorable. I vote yes! -NiaraGarmadon
  7. Why not. Tongue Smiley-1 SMOL
  8. NOW - Coggs
  9. 10/10 would use - Fanboy1890
  10. THIS. MUST. EXIST. NOW. Sky SSundeeMessage wallBlogs2,000+ edits!Sky SSundee
  11. llama KatJuriHanTalk
  12. OMG YES! Marcel77799 (talk)
  13. yo, we need. also, jdie should be brought back Mel
  14. Must have :3 Lone Lionheart 20:25, November 11, 2014 (UTC)
  15. GIVE US THE LLAMA! -Nehpets7000
  16. If anyone deserves a personal emote It's Jdude and his llama! Pixel sword ҂Ḡṍḡԍζϵϛ99҂ Pixel sword2 Wall - Blogs
  17. I put it up... I can still vote, right? - Legofrodo12
  18. llamas are... kewl. :P -SquashBrain (talk) 23:08, November 12, 2014 (UTC)
  20. We need more Llamas in the chat. Derp
  21. I should oppose just to see GK eating a plant. GuacamoleCCXR (talk) 15:43, November 15, 2014 (UTC)


  1. Still see no point. Tongue Smiley-1 --NetbagReborn (talk) 03:39, November 11, 2014 (UTC)
^ Most boring person ever Imp
  1. Why...? Tongue Smiley-1 Satoshi2 (talk) 21:26, November 11, 2014 (UTC)Satoshi2

^ Second most boring person ever Skully

  1. That is annoying more than anything, and it could get aimed at peeps for an insult. Derp Also, I've actually seen them up close too many times. Tongue Smiley-1 LSB
I gotta know, how could this be used as an insult, and what does personal experience have to do with an emote image? :P «†J•cI•u•cI•e•420†» -'Tired 'Crat


85% Approval rate. >:) Was 91% last night... :P @Melt, the transparent looks way better. «†J•cI•u•cI•e•420†» -'Tired 'Crat