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3484 posts

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Source: LEGO Message Boards
legobatmankid10 is currently inactive
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Userpage on this wiki: LBK10

Legobatmankid10 (also known as LBK or LBK10) is a user who joined the LEGO Message Boards on February 19, 2010. He has the rank Gladiator, 3,563 posts, and over 83 likes received.

He mainly posted in the Community Chat Forum and the Super Heroes forum, and also briefly posted in the News Forum. One of his most successful topics was the original "Hospital HQ" in the City Forum, which was locked after about 30 pages due to inactivity. On MLN, LBK is Rank 10. He had an MLN store in the MLN Trades Subforum called "LBK's Super Shop," which is now closed.

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