LEGO Message Boards Wiki
This page is an archive of the old LEGO Message Boards. Feel free to correct mistakes and add information, but please do not update the post count, image, or rank.


Legobrickbuilder4567 (also known as LBB) is a user who joined the LEGO Message Boards on March 30, 2010. He had the rank Maniac, 14,623 posts, and 7 studs. He mainly postined in the Agents subforum, LU subforum, and the Community Chat Forum. His brother on the MBs was AgentMLN, who was a MLN Trader. He was an MB Debater which means he often discuss with other users to help out the LEGO Message Boards. He once posted saying his retirement will be in the "near future." He had left the wiki, but keeps on returning.


He had no signature.

Roleplay info[]


  • His signature was "LI3I3", and "LegoI3rickI3uilder," but he rarely used his signatures.
  • His RP name was usually Blue, Turbo, turbonaire. (AND THE ORIGINAL TURBO!)
  • He was ranked #23 on the LEGO Message Boards.
  • LBB tried to beat Alemas' record time spent without using the Tongue Smiley-1's emoticon for over a year, but eventually gave up knowing that another user had already done it.
  • He was a TFOL Member on the LEGO Message Boards.


More Information
Current Article: Legobrickbuilder4567
Message Boards profile: Legobrickbuilder4567

This article is good.