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legocat4611's current signature is:-The Cat
Source: LEGO Message Boards
legocat4611 is currently inactive
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Userpage on this wiki: InvisibleHunter
Legocat4611 (also known as LC, Cat, or Legocat) is a user who joined the LEGO Message Boards on March 4, 2009. He has the rank Pharaoh, 6,260 posts, and 51 likes received.
When he first joined the LEGO Message Boards, he did not post very much, but started to post more frequently in February 2010, and kept on posting until August 2010. He then returned in November 2010, completing a race to Old Timer with Danielboone6702 and Mastergoalie, which he came second in. He also raced Fanboy1890 to Old Timer, and he won that race. He didn't like 8ObiWan88 very much for personal reasons. Legocat is now inactive.
His signature was usually "LC," though sometimes he used "The King Of Kitties." Alemas called him "Kitty" a lot, which annoyed him very much in his early days, but later it grew on him.
Legocat's favorite emote was , unlike most other users, who prefer the Tongue Smiley:
Legocat was a big roleplayer. He was active in more than 20 HQs in February/March of 2011, but since his retirement that has dropped down to zero. Many of the HQ's he led were not actually created by him.
Roleplay ranks[]
Legocat was 2nd In-Command of the Astronaut HQ in the Alien Conquest Roleplay Subforum.
He was 3rd In-Command of the Forest Ninjas in the Ninjago Roleplay Subforum.
He was a General in the White Lion Knight H.Q., which was in the Kingdoms Roleplay Subforum.
He was a Communication Guy in C.O.M.B, which was in the Agents Subforum.
LC was a Diver in the Classics Roleplay Subforum.
He was 2nd In-Command of the Green Army Men H.Q. in the Toy Story Forum.
- Sometimes he posted in the German Message Boards.
- He got annoyed when somebody started commenting badly on newbies.
- LC got angry very quickly.
- He had a dislike of spammers, and gained a lot of negative attention due to his posts against certain users.
- He changed his name on this wiki to InvisibleHunter.
- He also gave his other account to a friend who now owns the Legocat2 account.
- BusyCityGuy02 calls him Elsie because it sounds like "L C."