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legodragonboy3013's current signature is:


766 posts

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Source: LEGO Message Boards
legodragonboy3013 is currently inactive
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Legodragonboy3013 is a user who joined the LEGO Message Boards on January 3, 2012. He has the rank Conquistador, 3,259 posts, and over 1,291 likes received. He mainly posted in the LEGO Superheroes Forum.


Legodragonboy3013 was not very popular when he started. When he created his first HQ, "The Dark Heroes HQ" in the Superheroes Roleplay Subforum, he angered other, older users for using already taken characters. He then posted three stories in the Superheroes forum, all of which he cancelled soon after they began. In April 2014, he began writing a Batman story, "Guardians of Gotham." By the time he finished it in May of the same year, it had proven to be his most popular story. He began other stories, like "Green Arrow," none of which were finished. In the summer of 2013, he began "Teen Titans: The Message Boards Series," which became even more popular than "Guardians of Gotham." Despite inactivity, he finished the first arc and began a second, enlisting the help of other authors before cancelling it and beginning another entitled "The Beginning," which he never got far into.


  • It has been stated by him and bobcarson1234 on multiple occasions that they are best friends outside of the Message Boards.
  • Despite starting many stories, he has only finished one (excluding story arcs in "series" topics).

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