This page is an archive of the old LEGO Message Boards. Feel free to correct mistakes and add information, but please do not update the post count.
This is a list of users who were known to be MasterBuilders before the update, sorted in alphabetical order.
Username | Post count | Activity |
Brandiboy101 | 699 | Inactive |
Brm | 449 | Inactive |
biokev08 | 671+ | Active |
breez77 | 401+ | Active |
Caysie98 | 701+ | Semi-Active |
Crazybrick45 | 378 | Inactive |
False | 476 | Inactive |
Figmentia | 491 | Retired |
Glendo01 | 336+ | |
GlitterMagmaKitten | 727+ | Active |
Jcff1 | 378+ | Active |
Jammyjam10 | 464 | Retired |
J-Mod | 380+ | |
kely1234 | 532 | Active |
Kidoa99 | 670 | Inactive |
KPSA | 456+ | Inactive |
L33T HAMM3R BR0Z | 457 | Inactive |
LadyRachel1234 | 535 | Inactive |
Lego613master | 491 | Inactive |
Legodac | 629+ | Inactive |
Loekieloe | 421 | Retired |
Meltsner | 504+ | Active |
Michael5718 | 723 | Banned |
Mike8097 | 488+ | Inactive |
Moron1342 | 588 | Inactive |
ninjamaster2088 | 477 | |
nxtstep101 | 642+ | Active |
Osiris1342 | 395+ | Active |
Pepsicola112 | 453 | Inactive |
PositiveMud | 736+ | Active |
Racerjoe8 | 691+ | Active |
Sarah77724 | 425 | Inactive |
ShadowLuc | 429+ | Inactive |
sparrowfur | 615 | |
SKP4472 | 418+ | Inactive |
sullynm | 703+ | Active |
Steve62 | 614 | Inactive |
tdjavier132 | 445 |
See also[]
Apprentice | Journeyman | Initiate | JuniorBuilder | MasterBuilder
Craftsman | Artisan | Inventor | Old Timer | Maniac | Legend
Sheriff | Official
This article is complete.