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maestro35-kojac29's current signature is:


2,653 posts

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Source: LEGO Message Boards
maestro35-kojac29 is currently inactive
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Maestro35-kojac29 is a user who joined the LEGO Message Boards on August 1, 2010. He has the rank Gladiator, 2,776 posts, and over 42 likes received. The account is actually used by two brothers: maestro35 and kojac29. They mainly posted in the LEGO Universe Forum, the now-defunct Marketplace Subforum, and the similarly defunct Team Up! Subforum, among smaller quantities of posts in various other forums. The account's activity somewhat died with LEGO Universe, so very few posts exist in the LEGO Universe Closing Forum. kojac29 specifically has posted a significant number of posts within both the Minifigures Forum and LEGO Video Games Forum. They rarely post nowadays and are mostly inactive. They have been inactive since June 9, 2013. maestro is well known as a formerly active moderator on the LEGO Universe Wiki and as the former owner of the late LEGO Universe Stories Wiki.

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