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2193 posts

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Source: LEGO Message Boards
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Userpage on this wiki: Nightwing5316

Nightwing5316 (also known as Nightwing) is a user who joined the Message Boards on March 26, 2012. He has the rank Roman Soldier, 2,644 posts, and over 64 likes received. He was active in the Star Wars Original Saga Roleplay, where he played as Mandalorian Special Operations commanding officer Jyrok Kar, and the Clone Wars Roleplay Subforum, where he played as three different characters: Janner Kar, Jarren Kar (Janners brother), and RC-2029, "Adenn." He was also active in the Kingdoms Roleplay where he was an assassin and wizard, and Lord of the Rings Roleplays. He led the Haradrim H.Q. in The Lord of the Rings Roleplay.

He was also the founder of Falls Apart, an MLN hard rock/nu-metal band. He was active in the Ninjago, Bionicle, and Hero Factory Roleplay Subforums.


  • He started out in the Star Wars Roleplay as a Sith.
  • The first friend he made on the LEGO Message Boards was MinifigDesigner.
  • He was active in eight different roleplay subforums.

This article is good.