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PinguBonScott's current signature is:
Pingus sig


1338 posts

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Source: LEGO Message Boards
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Userpage on this wiki: PinguBonScott

PinguBonScott is a user who joined on July 22, 2012. He has the rank Gladiator, 1,184 posts, and over 89 likes received. He was mostly active in roleplays, his favorite being the Star Wars Roleplay Clone Wars Subforum. He was also the band leader of band AC/BC. His first account was ferch_9999soccer, but it was lost. He started the 2 roleplaying HQ in the Minifigures Forum.


  • His name is actually divided in two parts: Pingu (for being the king of all penguins) and BonScott, a tribute to AC/DC's ex-vocalist.
  • His band, AC/BC, is a parody of AC/DC, and mostly all of the songs he has made are AC/DC parodies.
  • His song, "Mods got rhythm" received a comment from wildbunchz, saying he rocks.
  • His signature was "Pingu, Proud Owner of The Grand Waffle" sometimes adding his roleplay character.
  • He was the first user on the LEGO Message Boards to be awarded a Grand Waffle by wertys761.
  • He is one of the few known Message Board users that is Mexican.

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