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sam8432's current signature is:Badges
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Source: LEGO Message Boards
sam8432 is currently active
Last updated 8 years ago
Userpage on this wiki: KnightoftheLight
Sam8432 (aka Sam) was a user who joined the LEGO Message Boards on June 2, 2012. He had the rank Pilot, 34,028 posts, 82,049 likes given, and 47,921 likes received. He was the 12th most liked user on the MBs. He was part of the second group of users involved in the LMB Community Helper Program, and served as a Community Helper from February to April 2015.
He posted in several forums, particularly in the Ninjago Forum and Community Chat Forum, where he posted in the topic Finding Friendships. Before it was deleted, he posted actively in the Harry Potter Gallery.
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