There are three known infoboxes on the LEGO Message Boards, two of which have been deleted during a minor upgrade in 2007. The remaining one is still visible located at the bottom of the main page. If you access a forum of the LEGO Message Boards, a similar infobox will be shown at the bottom, but it will only show users that are browsing that forum.
"Who is online"[]
This is the only remaining bar. It shows all users who are browsing any page on the LMBs at the moment. Mods, administrators and officials are in different colors than users, although it is unknown which are which except the fact that normal moderators are red (oceanbella's name is shown in red on this picture).
Non-Existent Bars[]
In 2005-2007, two more bars existed: new users and birthdays. Those have been deleted since then, for an unknown reason (birthdays might have been for safety purposes, as with the club pages, but that has not been proven). However, during the 2012 MB update, the "new users" infobox was added back as the "newest community members" box.