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Takanuva101411 currently does not have a signature.Badges
Takanuva101411 does not have any badges.Source: LEGO Message Boards
Takanuva101411 has either deleted their account or their account has been deleted by a moderator
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Takanuva101411 (also known as Takna) is a user who joined the LEGO Message Boards on July 2, 2008. He has the Rank Old Timer, over 6,082 posts and 3 studs. Takanuva mostly posted in the Pirates Subforum and Bionicle Forum. He also did a bit of posting in the MLN Trades Subforum. Takanuva is considered an MB Legend for the quality of his posts.
On August 12, 2011, a user called "SuperSonicCookie17", announced that he was Takanuva, saying that he had deleted his account. He also said that he created this account to participate in LEGO Universe Free-To-Play, and that he just wanted to drop by the Bionicle Roleplay Forum. Some users still doubt whether or not this was really Takanuva, although it can be seen that his account is gone.