Wow, thanks to whoever fixed it! My sista deleted his page so he looked good, and I looked bad. Then he would replace me. That was my sister! SORRY :(
••Now This is CGI••
It was me. LC :)
Kingof the World 19:08,12/28/2011 19:08, December 28, 2011 (UTC)
THANKS A MILLION! :D People would've thought that I hated this kid, and then I'd get removed from my chatmod-ism. :P :)
••Now This is CGI••
A Little TOO Good?[]
Honestly, this page is a little TOO good for an Initiate's page. (eyeroll) MY PAGE DOESN'T HAVE A SAMPLE POST!
••Now This is CGI••
I see what you're talking about... DB6702 04:52, December 30, 2011 (UTC)
I said Initiate!!!
••Now This is CGI••
I removed two pictures, the example post, which was unnecessary, and the early Apprentice profile, which was blurred and poorly cropped. DB6702 04:56, December 30, 2011 (UTC)
Fixed cropping[]
I fixed the poor cropping, sry about that, but I have no reason you deleted the sample post. Just because I am a newbie doesn't mean I can't have a really good page. JellyDuck 14:10, December 30, 2011 (UTC)
It wasn't me. ;)
••Now This is CGI••
A sample post isn't really needed, MSD. People already know what your profile looks like, and a sample post doesn't really add much value to the page. DB6702
You're right, DB, the fact that this page is about me already gives it maximum value. ӎӓssїџӟsҩдӓдҵcӄ WHALE Inc. 18:57, June 16, 2013 (UTC)