The Nerd Refrigerator is a roleplay topic in the Community Chat Forum that was created by MasterOshawott on June 21, 2013. It currently has 1,981 pages and 315 likes on the first post. Users in the topic roleplay as nerds planning to rule the world from their refrigerator, which is much bigger on the inside than the outside.
The second-in-command of the Nerd Refrigerator, Andybrick95, has written a guide on the roleplay topic, which is regularly updated as new members are inducted and the topic grows. The most recent version has been posted here, though Andybrick95 has expressed interest in updating it further.
Members and Ranks[]
The Nerd Refrigerator has a ranking system of Member, Nerd, and Keeper. Anyone can join, but to become a Nerd one has to seek permission from MasterOshawott or one of the In Commands to make sure the position they are asking for is available. Keepers are the overseers of the roleplay, hand-picked by MasterOshawott to ensure that the focus of the group remains on roleplaying and not spamming or otherwise chatting without roleplaying (how well they do in maintaining order is another matter). There can be any number of Members or Nerds, but only ever 21 active Keepers at a time.
The significance of these roles, as well as the method of inducting new members, is explained in the Guide to the Nerd Refrigerator, which is printed below.
Active Keepers[]
In hierarchical order:
- Supreme Keeper Commander: The_MadPoet- Keeper of the Keepers
- MasterOshawott: Keeper of the Sonic Plunger
- Andybrick95: Keeper of the Sonic Capture Styler
- TolkienNerds: Keeper of the Sonic Cabbage
- Blizzard4324: Keeper of the Cryptids
- Malurus2000: Keeper of the Golden Grocery Sack
- MichaelYoda: Keeper of the Nerd Rabbits
- Mr_Gil: Keeper of the Popcorn
- LegoCritter35: Keeper of the Critters
- sheklord: Keeper of the ASCII Art
- DarthShlomo: Keeper of the Pizza
- jahchildren: Keeper of the Fygars
- ambc: Keeper of the Fridge
- weirdoofdoom: Keeper of the Endless Arsenal of Doom
Inactive Keepers[]
- (2ic) RenegadeRanger: Ret. Keeper of the Sonic Bow and Arrow
- (5ic) CaptainChespin: Ret. Keeper of the Nox
- (13ic) GalacticCresent (Alts: TridentLegend, video_error): Ret. Keeper of the Pink-A-Zoid Gun
- Always_a_narnian_princess: Ret. Keeper of the Peace
- CJNFL1 - Ret. Keeper of the Lasers
- MTK2210 - Ret. Keeper of the Cold
- NinjagoGeekMan33 - Ret. Keeper of the Math
- NINJAGOgirl12363 - Ret. Keeper of the Nerd Emote
- nkg9 - Ret. Keeper of the Jammers Security
- Pacman97 - Ret. Keeper of the Arcade
- soren86 - Ret. Keeper of the Dorky Glasses
- SpitfireMad - Ret. Keeper of the Pink Daleks
Active Nerds[]
- abbeadventerous114: Nerd of the Useless Information
- albertmc: Nerd of the Black Holes
- bee-boy11: Nerd of Simarillion
- Brickmaster7801: Nerd of Smash Bros
- Bricks4949: Nerd of the Ace Attorney
- bubseylegoguy: Nerd of Ponies
- Cappybear321: Nerd of the Rope
- captain-submarineguy: Nerd of DC Superheroes
- Cherry3124: Nerd of Reading
- cjw0842: Nerd of the Adventure Time Swords
- Darquesse1 (Alts: SpinjitsuMaster, Lucy_Fu): Nerd of Ninjago
- Dumbledore1225: Nerd of Star Trek
- DWSTR9017: Nerd of Awesomeness
- fantasy1111: Nerd of the Maelstrom
- firephantom105: Nerd of the Mystery
- ghostslayer2: Nerd of the Castles
- hallie1317: Nerd of the Avengers
- junior743: Nerd of the Superpowered Spiders
- KoolKai7: Nerd of the Bionicle
- legofrodo12: Nerd of the Fencing Foil
- Legogirl4949: Nerd of the Books
- Legored11: Nerd of the Red McEpic
- m579: Nerd of Unusual Ideas
- mj1343: Nerd of Weirdness
- MrMaracaMan: Nerd of the Nothing
- nindroid5: Nerd of the Transformers
- ninjago2160: Nerd of the Comic Books
- Ninjagogirl72: Nerd of Owl City
- ninjay25: Nerd of the Legend of Zelda
- PinkNinjaGirl: Nerd of Spelling
- polardozer: Nerd of Mega Man
- PolitoadwithDrizzle: Nerd of the Kaiju
- qmtfive: Nerd of Machinery
- rocka275: Nerd of Crossovers and Overanalysis
- RocketRacer7235: Nerd of the Replicators
- skellyvonskeleton: Nerd of the Gallifreyan Tech
- Steampunk_Jedi: Nerd of the Steam Pipes
- WaveViper: Nerd of the Armory
- wgrubbs: Nerd of the Sombreros
- wgrubbs2: Nerd of the Ewoks
- wolf-2012: Nerd of The Hobbit
- WingsThePhoenix: Nerd of Warrior Cats
- zai_x: Nerd of the Pretzels
Inactive Nerds[]
- A_RNN: Ret. Nerd of Bionicle
- AlexLea: Ret. Nerd of the Mushroom Kingdom
- asday23: Ret. Nerd of Luke Bryan
- astrokid12: Ret. Nerd of the Mach 24
- Bobbywan: Ret. Nerd of the Sword
- chris3433: Ret. Nerd of Disney
- Dwalin22k: Ret. Nerd of the Magic
- Eowyns_Biggest_Fan: Ret. Nerd of Percy Jackson
- Greenninjasgirlfriend (Alt: AnnoyingPartyMan): Ret. Nerd of the Nerd Glasses
- gurthang2000: Ret. Nerd of Star Wars
- IPreferTheAnonymity: Ret. Nerd of Technology
- JJ7210: Ret. Nerd of the Fictional Vehicles
- jnovecosky44: Ret. Nerd of the Nerd Emote
- lilly2609: Ret. Nerd of the Advisory Council?
- LelilaOrganaSolo: Ret. Nerd of the Starfighter
- MBRedboy31: Ret. Nerd of the Wrenches and Hard Hats
- MiniFigureZKR: Ret. Nerd of Marvel
- NXTein1996: Ret. Nerd of Many Talents
- oceanhunter48: Ret. Nerd of the Terrarian Creatures
- Patch2224: Ret. Nerd of the Dragons
- Paulinekovaleva: Ret. Nerd of the Wolves
- piplup3822: Ret. Nerd of the Inheritance
- Rex_Cody279: Ret. Nerd of LotR
- RexFett: Ret. Nerd of the Minomonsters
- RLROCKS18 - Ret. Nerd of Randomness
- sam8432 - Ret. Nerd of the ?
The Guide to the Nerd Refrigerator[]
As you enter the NERDIS, you immediately begin to marvel at the wondrous site before you: YOU'RE IN A FRIDGE THAT'S BIGGER ON THE INSIDE, FOR CRYIN' OUT LOUD!!! :O Anyway, you waste no time in asking a user where you are. However, instead of answering, the user simply smiles, and hands you a thick, dusty book. You decide — after finding a soft chair to sit on — to read it.
The Guide to the Nerd Refrigerator[]
Hello there, recruit! :D Welcome to the NERDIS! 8-|
Chapter 1: Where am I, anyway?[]
As you wander through the halls of this strange, blue refrigerator, you may be wondering: "What IS this place, anyway?" The Nerd Refrigerator (aka. NERDIS) is based off of the TARDIS (from Doctor Who®). It is a Space/Time traveling machine, to put it simply.
(Basically, this is a RP topic [that sometimes seems like a chat topic...]. More on what we do in the RP in the next chapter.)
Chapter 2: Within the Halls of the NERDIS[]
After a while, you may start to wonder: What does NERDIS stand for, anyway? It stands for "Nerds-Eating-Real-Desserts-In-Spaceship." However, we seem to be lacking food of any kind, especially cake, lately... You may also be asking; "What do we DO here, anyway?" We are a non-profit organization bent on World Domination (but remember: you didn't hear it here). Also, at times, we "raid" other topics. Not to constantly spam, of course; we merely explore the universe to spread our Nerdiness everywhere. We are curren-
*The rest of the page is broken off, for some odd reason. After closely examining it, you come to the simple conclusion that it was ripped off by a beak. Strange, you don't remember seeing any signs of an animal in the NERDIS. Except for overhearing another user talking about her... Pet... Chickens...
You shake the thought out of your mind, reassuring yourself that said user would be responsible for her pets, and not let them eat a book... With nothing else to read here, you decide to skip ahead to the next chapter.*
Chapter 3: Ranks[]
There are currently four ranks, and one sub-rank, for the users that come here:
- Member:
Everyone who joins (and receives the Shoe of Acceptance [see Ch. 5]) automatically becomes a Member. Once they become members, it is mainly up to them to get promoted to the next Rank, Nerd.
- Nerd:
A higher status, this user is a "specialist" in his or her chosen hobby (i.e. Nerd of the Rope, Nerd of the Black Holes, etc.). They make up over 65% of the NERDIS population. To become a Nerd, all a member has to do is request a certain title. If said title is not already taken, the current 1ic can appoint them to the position. Titles can be changed at the user's request at any time.
- Keeper:
This is a very special rank. Becoming a Keeper isn't just ranking up from Nerd. In fact, for most users, Nerd will be the highest rank for them to achieve. Keepers are Nerds hand-picked by MasterOshawott herself to lead the NERDIS when she is trapped in the "Black Hole of Inactivity" (see Ch. 4). She sees said users as especially trustworthy, loyal, kind, helpful, etc. There can only be 21 Keepers at a time, for reasons unknown to all but MO. There is a hierarchy of Keepers, with MasterOshawott being the 1ic (first-in-command) and the other Keepers assigned at the discretion of either her or the highest-ranking active Keeper at the time. There is only one position higher than Keeper, the Supreme Keeper Commander, which belongs to MasterOshawott's father, The_MadPoet.
- Peon:
Users can be demoted to the Peon Rank if they are constantly going against the current authority, even after being warned several times, such as constantly SPAMing (see Ch. 8) or attacking any other RP topic using NERDIS-related things. The Peon Rank has not been given to any user as of yet. Also, only the current 1ic can demote a user to Peon.
- Retired Users:
These users are former Nerds or Keepers who have mysteriously disappeared from the NERDIS. This is often due to one of the following reasons:
- Retiring or extended inactivity from the MBs
- Retiring from the NERDIS due to busyness and such
- Leaving the NERDIS for any personal reason
This "sub-rank" does not replace their current title; it is merely added to their original title to state that they have been inactive for a long period of time (often over a year), or have left the NERDIS. Once they return, the "Retired" sub-rank is removed from their title.
When a user is "Retired" from the NERDIS, their title is once again considered open for other users to use. If the original owner of the title returns from their inactivity from the NERDIS, and if another user is currently bearing their old title, the newer owner of the title shall become the original's "apprentice," so to speak. If either user changes their title, the apprenticeship will no longer be in effect.
Chapter 3.5: Abilities from Titles[]
Nerd and Keepers titles are not merely for show. By becoming Nerd or Keeper of a subject, one becomes a master in it. Unless otherwise noted (often due only to being too OP), a user will have any and all powers associated with the title at his or her disposal. For example, being Nerd of the Black Holes allows one to summon black holes; Nerd of the Maelstrom can summon Maelstrom, and so forth. These abilities can be used in everyday NERDIS life, but are typically used primarily in roleplay scenarios.
It is important to note that, while under the Peon Rank, users temporarily lose their title, along with any and all abilities associated with it. Typically, after some time and reconciliation, the user will be granted their title and rank again, but repeated achievement of Peon may result in losing their title and rank indefinitely, or, more likely, banishment.
Chapter 4: MasterOshawott[]
As you know, every good, (mostly) organized club must have a leader, and for the NERDIS, we have MasterOshawott. MasterOshawott, also known as MO (pronounced Moe), is the Supreme Leader/Founder of the NERDIS. She is cool, calm, and collected (more or less). One thing to keep in mind, however, is the fact that she seemingly always lands the NERDIS somewhere high. The first Nerd to step out of the NERDIS after teleportation must be especially wary of this. Another thing to worry about is the fact that she likes doing scientific experiments involving placing metal helmets on people. She had once even transformed the 2ic into a pony without having a cure ready. STAY AWAY FROM HER LAB AT ALL COSTS. (0_0 )
She also happens to fall into a thing she calls "Black Holes of Inactivity," during which she is sucked into a mysterious alternate dimension, known only as "Real Life." When she is in them, it is up to the Keepers to keep an eye on things for her.
Chapter 5: Shoes of the Trade[]
In the NERDIS, we have two different types of shoes for users. The two are:
1) Shoes of Acceptance (SoA):
Nobody really remembers when it was started, but the tradition of accepting members by tossing a shoe to them still holds true today. Every Member, Nerd, and Keeper has received one at some point. An important thing to remember is that ONLY Keepers can toss a Shoe of Acceptance at someone to let them join.
2) High Shoes of High-Tailing out of Here (HSoHTooH):
When a user demoted to the rank of Peon continually refuses to listen to authority at all, and serves as a detriment to the well-being of the NERDIS roleplay, MasterOshawott (or a user with her permission) can give them this. It essentially kicks them out of the NERDIS. The extent of the "banishment" is up to MO. However, not much else is known about this, since it has never been used.
Chapter 6: Our beloved Nerd Rabbits[]
Yes, even the NERDIS has a furry mascot. Or, in our case, many furry mascots.
These guys are the main minions of the NERDIS. They're small, cuddly, and ridiculously adorable rabbits that have excessive amounts of nerdness in them. If you need something to carry a clipboard, do maintenance, or just keep you company, they're the ones for you. They follow the orders of the current 1ic, but they are truly loyal to their master, MichaelYoda.
As a warning, never give them anything with high caffeine. Coffee, soda, etcetera. Anything like that will give them a large boost of energy for an extended period of time. Then, they become completely uncontrollable for a LONG time. Once the caffeine (eventually) wears off, they're back to their cute and cuddly selves.
Chapter 7: The Pink Daleks[]
As one might imagine, the NERDIS is a heavily-guarded facility. The ability to traverse through time and space is certainly no small feat, and the NERDIS does so gracefully (haha, not really). Due to its great potential, however, there is also great risk of attack. To counter this, the NERDIS is armed with powerful Nerd Laser Cannons and Pink Daleks. The Nerd Laser Cannons are self-explanatory; the Pink Daleks, on the other hand, are not.
The Pink Daleks look just like one would imagine; a typical pink Dalek exterior covers them. When they are released, they cry "REFRIGERATE!" They can also hover, like normal Daleks. That is where the similarities end, however. Our Pink Daleks are not aggressive in nature, yet will defend the NERDIS with their Nerd lasers when prompted to. They strictly follow the commands of MO, Andybrick95, or anyone else explicitly given authority over them by MO; the only commands they will follow that are given by others are those that pertain to the general wellbeing of the NERDIS.
Chapter 8: SPAM[]
Essentially, SPAM is bad. It is our greatest, most notable enemy. SPAM is to us what Daleks are to the Doctor. Whether it be lunch meat or meaningless lunacy, we don’t do that here.
Chapter 9: List of Nerds/Keepers/Retired Users, Active and Inactive[]
This is the official list of Nerds and Keepers, in alphabetical order (not including members):
[Note: this list has been moved to the beginning of this page on the LMBW.]
- The previous 2ic was RenegadeRanger. If he is found active, please alert the current 1ic immediately.
- The_MadPoet is MO's father. Whatever he says, goes. Don't question it.
- TolkienNerds is an Elf-Ninja-Hobbit-Dwarf-Chicken-Human-Timelord. Don't mess with her.
- TolkienNerds' Sonic Cabbage is also a Timelord. Don't mess with
it.him. - jahchildren has Ponyphobia — Keep her away from those equestrians!
- The NERDIS is constantly changing, so don't be surprised that this will probably get outdated pretty soon.
*Surprisingly, there are more pages, but they are all blank. Perhaps it means the book is still being edited? Anyway, you're not getting any more information out of it anytime soon. You thank the user, give him the book back, and start exploring the NERDIS on your own...*
- The Nerd Refrigerator is also known as "NERDIS" (based off of the TARDIS from Doctor Who), which stands for "Nerds Eating Real Desserts in Spaceship."