Update the Sig Guidelines? is a topic in the Community Chat Forum. It was created by WhiteAlligator on November 14, 2012. It was used to ask users if they would like to change or add on to the sig guidelines. It has 16 pages and 37 likes on the first post.
The topic read:
This is a description from a topic on the LEGO Message Boards. Do not modify it.
"Hello everyone - The Mods hope that you are all having a great day here on the new LMBs! Now that the new boards are up and running we would like to offer you all the chance to review and update the Signature Guidelines. The current guidelines are in blue below. Please post here with your thoughts to the following questions: Which guidelines should we change and why What should the new guidelines be? Please be as specific in your feedback as possible to help us really understand your point of view. Please post your feedback by the end of day on Sunday, November 18. We look forward to hearing your feedback and suggestions!
White Alligator" |