LEGO Message Boards Wiki
LEGO Message Boards Wiki

Today, the admin team decided to permanently block the user Psychos-R-Us from the Wiki after receiving evidence that he had sexually harassed a number of users here on the Wiki, some of them under the age of 18.

The reason we are posting this blog is to tell you to avoid contact with him, particularly if you are a girl and under the age of 18, as he is an adult and known to stalk people.

EDIT (from Obi): Also PSA to all members of the community:

Please report any and all instances or even possibilities of sexual harassment in the future. We have absolutely no tolerance for sexual harassment. Everyone should feel free to report such abuse right away, even if you don't have a lot of evidence, and even if the person doing the harassing is a respected or powerful member of the wiki.

Also, please report things like this to Wikia Staff as well if you are harassed in such a way by anyone. Sexual harassment violates Wikia's Terms of Use and can result in a global block - but only if you report it.