LEGO Message Boards Wiki

Alemas2005 Alemas2005 1 April 2017

I guess this is what you all wanted

Alright then. I think this is it. Given how the MBs have been deleted, thus turning this site into an information archive, the flow of new users will slow to a trickle. The Wiki will die. This is a fact.

However, alas, I don't think I'll be able to witness the death of the site. Partly because I've outgrown the MBs and this place by several years, partly because I have uni and this distracts me, and partly because I need to move on in general.

But mostly, the biggest reason is that... I don't want to see it die. I've grown so attached to it, so invested in it, that seeing the Wiki die would break my heart. I can't bear witnessing the death of a website I've put so much time, effort and energy into. I'm way more emotional than you think. Hone…

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Alemas2005 Alemas2005 28 February 2017

Please Welcome the Polandball of the Wiki, AmazingPythor, as our new Bureaucrat!

Yet another announcement/news blog, busy couple of days for the Wiki...

Anyway, we now have a third active bureaucrat in our team: AmazingPythor! Since he's often in chat and on the Wiki, you already know him well enough, so he doesn't need much of an introduction. Otherwise you wouldn't have decided to have him promoted to admin and 'crat in the first place.

Given how Rio mentioned he'll have to leave the Wiki due to college, and how I'll eventually have to retire sometime due to my age (yes, I do realise this makes me look way older than I actually am), having him as a 'crat will hopefully secure the future of the Wiki for a few more months, at least until it dies off completely.

Alright, enough of this, get back to wo- oh no wait, the mod…

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Alemas2005 Alemas2005 27 February 2017

The End-of-MBs Editing Drive (FAIL, THANKS MODS)



Everyone who posted on the new MBs is now ranked as "Alien". That means we can't possibly know what the users' ranks were before this "alien invasion". BCGirl said, maybe we should just go with "He/she had [rank before invasion] as his/her last known rank before getting Alien" or something, and display the "Alien" rank below the avatar.

What a mess.

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Alemas2005 Alemas2005 12 February 2017

Valentine's Day soon

Any plans?

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Alemas2005 Alemas2005 3 February 2017

It's official: BBC News is now Buzzfeed

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