The disappointment of WhiteAlligator...
When Keighlian announced there would be a new "funny" moderator, I was excited. "Finally, someone like MKM!", I thought. Indeed, when she posted her first topic and replied to people there, she seemed funny enough.
However, it was just an illusion.
When she announced the closure of the MLN Music and Bands subforum, her funnyness had gone. In every reply, she was as serious as Keighlian. MKM would have added a few smileys and a couple of light-hearted jokes to lighten the mood! WhiteAllie, instead, is just another Keighlian. Serious, too formal, not kid-friendly at all...
Ever since Keighlian arrived, the mods seem to have become drones. Only MKM still has her charisma and general friendliness of the "Old Guard".
I'm beginning to think that Kei…
What the adults think...
Eurobricks is THE forum for adult fans of LEGO (AFOLs) to discuss, joke and complain about LEGO. Everyone from all over the world join it.
What has this got to do with us, you ask? Well, back in January 2010, someone opened a topic about the LEGO Message Board. OUR Message Board.
And they made fun of us.
They pretty much said we all act as kiddies, buy what LEGO tells us to buy, and that all we do is roleplay.
That was back in 2010, when things weren't as bad as they are now. Just think what they'll think about it NOW! A mish-mash of new topics posted by newbies, spam and quote chains left, right and centre, and a moderation team who just doesn't listen.
Guys, let's get this LEGO Cuusoo project reach 10,000 supporters before admin Huw gets up tomorrow: If you are over 13, VOTE!
UPDATE: Ok, it got 10,000.