Sweet! Another successful chat reunion complete! And, several have said this was the best/nicest yet. Thanks to each of you who made this nostalgic event a glowing success by gracing us with your presence, memories, and fun. So good to connect and see all the familiar jokes, avvies, and usernames again!
Missed the main buzz? Not to worry. We’ve got a bit of an annual trend going it seems. Check in next year around this time! First weekend in January or sometime around January 5th (LMB closing memorial date). I’m sure there’ll be another.
Below is a full list of users who were present in chat during the time the reunion party roughly took place. A beautiful turnout. Thank you to BNR for helping keep track of names.
- A Walruse (LEGOMessProductions)
- AmazingPythor
- Aravis Tarkheena (AravisOfNarnia / Katuvis)
- Arya Elf
- Beidal
- BlizardBrick
- BraveNewRoyalty
- Brick425 (LondonDauntlessCorvair)
- BusyCityGirl
- Ciar08
- Cringairb
- Deadagent03
- Derpulse
- DisneyCars3627
- Edward Nigma (Legocityfan119 / Jerry Seinfeld / many other names...)
- Faroutfangirl (Steampunk Jedi / Starwarsgirl80)
- GuacamoleCCXR (Guacamole1998)
- Harold89
- Ihaveawiixboxds
- Keplers
- Kingwja
- Klint is Old (Klintrin / many other names...)
- KnightoftheLight
- Koren8000
- Legofrodo12
- Lilac Neko (JesusChristFollower)
- LinkCelestrial (Boyoboy8)
- LittleBuggy (Lego Lord / Coggsworth Motors)
- Loney 97
- Lunaicus
- Madkatmaximus (Madkatmaximus96 :P)
- Majolo9050
- Man.city1
- Marcel77799
- Mishkaiel
- MsD the FIFA Fan (MassiveSodaDuck / many, many other temporary names...)
- NancyDrew4ever
- Nehpets7000 (Nehpets700)
- Pacman87
- ParallelMayhem
- Person of Info
- RePeat (ThroughMyEyes)
- RoaryTheFygar (JahChildren)
- RosaGotLost (Auroramay)
- STrangE AdVenT (Bioniclefan1)
- Satoshi2 (Galijb)
- Seaside98
- Scorpio360
- ShadowCrayon
- SkepticQuark (Roddy15)
- SkyGhostbees (mystery former lmbw user...)
- Tadonyx (SkySSundee / 15legoskull / QuantumHedgehog)
- Tannericus2598
- The Old One Returns (Satlmd / Dr. Satl M.D.)
- TheRusMan (RusMan)
- TheShadowAssassin (Apple123350)
- Verrack333
- Zentronex (Cody7555)
A few other friends were alerted of the event, but couldn’t make it to chat. They sent their greetings!
Please do comment if there are any others I missed or corrections to be made!
Thanks for dropping by, one and all. Let’s do it again sometime!
If you’re interested, here are links to the previous years’ results: