LEGO Message Boards Wiki
LEGO Message Boards Wiki

Full list of users who were present in chat today during the time the reunion party roughly took place:

  2. AgentLevi (AgentLevi JesusRocks)
  3. AmzingPythro (AmazingPythor’s bot)
  4. Aok (Aokpisz / Aokpisze)
  5. Arya Elf
  6. Assassin Swipe (Agent Swipe)
  7. Bioniclefan1
  8. BlizardBrick
  9. BubseyBrick
  10. Bud1955
  11. BusyCityGirl
  12. Caysie98
  13. Coggsworth Motors (Lego lord)
  14. CptSteveRogers (LegoSuperBowser)
  15. Crystal5903
  16. Dark Yada
  17. Eagleeyedan
  18. EveryOpenEye (Brickmaster7946 / TwistedAlpha / FortressOfNight)
  19. EvilMidnightNG
  20. Fellders (Felldohir / Son of Elrond)
  21. Goggles99
  22. IronDuke18
  23. I'mDivergent (FrodoLovesBacon)
  24. Jamesster.LEGO
  25. Jasper46
  26. Jerry Seinfeld (Legocityfan119 / Edward Nigma / many other names...)
  27. KLINNYPOO (Klintrin)
  28. Keplers
  29. Kingwja
  30. Kira26
  31. LegoKepok
  32. Legofrodo12
  33. LinkCelestrial (Boyoboy8)
  34. Lunaicus
  35. MO of Ninjago (MasterOshawott)
  36. Madkatmaximus (Madkatmaximus96 :P)
  37. Man.city1
  38. Marcel77799
  39. Mishkaiel
  40. NXTein1996
  41. NancyDrew4ever
  42. Nart L. Chipikal (Chipika123)
  43. Nehpets7000 (Nehpets700)
  44. Obi the LEGO Fan
  45. Pacman87
  46. QuantumHedgehog (SkySSundee / 15legoskull)
  47. Riolu777
  48. Romaniandude12
  49. RusMan
  50. SamanthaNguyen1116
  51. Seaside98
  52. ShermanTheMythran
  53. Slicer Vorzakh
  54. Tatoranaki
  55. Testerzman
  56. The Dude Alt (The Venture Dude / Dude777477)
  57. TheMachine.Wiki (Machine.LEGO)
  58. TheShadowAssassin (Apple123350)
  59. ThroughMyEyes (Peat-a-Peat / RePeat)
  60. ToneTyphoon
  61. Veralann (HyperFlash Studios)
  62. Virtual Grue
  63. XenoWiki
  64. BusyCityGuy (late for the party though)

Drew couldn't be on chat but was aware of the occasion.

Image dump of sidebar screenshots here.

Please comment if there are any others I missed. Today was awesome fun and I hope it happens again sometime!