Full list of users who were present in chat today during the time the reunion party roughly took place:
- AgentLevi (AgentLevi JesusRocks)
- AmzingPythro (AmazingPythor’s bot)
- Aok (Aokpisz / Aokpisze)
- Arya Elf
- Assassin Swipe (Agent Swipe)
- Bioniclefan1
- BlizardBrick
- BubseyBrick
- Bud1955
- BusyCityGirl
- Caysie98
- Coggsworth Motors (Lego lord)
- CptSteveRogers (LegoSuperBowser)
- Crystal5903
- Dark Yada
- Eagleeyedan
- EveryOpenEye (Brickmaster7946 / TwistedAlpha / FortressOfNight)
- EvilMidnightNG
- Fellders (Felldohir / Son of Elrond)
- Goggles99
- IronDuke18
- I'mDivergent (FrodoLovesBacon)
- Jamesster.LEGO
- Jasper46
- Jerry Seinfeld (Legocityfan119 / Edward Nigma / many other names...)
- KLINNYPOO (Klintrin)
- Keplers
- Kingwja
- Kira26
- LegoKepok
- Legofrodo12
- LinkCelestrial (Boyoboy8)
- Lunaicus
- MO of Ninjago (MasterOshawott)
- Madkatmaximus (Madkatmaximus96 :P)
- Man.city1
- Marcel77799
- Mishkaiel
- NXTein1996
- NancyDrew4ever
- Nart L. Chipikal (Chipika123)
- Nehpets7000 (Nehpets700)
- Obi the LEGO Fan
- Pacman87
- QuantumHedgehog (SkySSundee / 15legoskull)
- Riolu777
- Romaniandude12
- RusMan
- SamanthaNguyen1116
- Seaside98
- ShermanTheMythran
- Slicer Vorzakh
- Tatoranaki
- Testerzman
- The Dude Alt (The Venture Dude / Dude777477)
- TheMachine.Wiki (Machine.LEGO)
- TheShadowAssassin (Apple123350)
- ThroughMyEyes (Peat-a-Peat / RePeat)
- ToneTyphoon
- Veralann (HyperFlash Studios)
- Virtual Grue
- XenoWiki
- BusyCityGuy (late for the party though)
Drew couldn't be on chat but was aware of the occasion.
Image dump of sidebar screenshots here.
Please comment if there are any others I missed. Today was awesome fun and I hope it happens again sometime!