The Strange Glitch That Has Infected Me.
I'm suffering from a chat ban glitch, which hopefully will be fixed soon. It seems to only affect Chrome (so far), but here's some screenshots for your amusement.
Also, it seems to affect other users too, as seen in the link with Alemas and even a Wikia staff member being blocked.
Will be largely absent for a week.
I'm going to be absent from chat for about a week from Sunday to Saturday-ish, as I'm going on vacation. I may stop in chat a bit from time to time. See everyone then. c:
Since it's so popular right now...
Might as well join the bandwagon. What do you think of me? Be as honest as possible, and maybe leave some tips on how I can improve, thanks!
- Rus
Disney,WHY must you ruin Star Wars???
WHY? And did you guys hear that Disnel made an episode of Mickey Mouse Clubhouse called "Quest for the Crystal Mickey"?
*Important Notice* about archiving the Message Boards
Earlier today I was fooling around with the Internet Archive's saved copies of the Message Boards when I believe I made an important discovery. Most of the Message Boards has already been archived. Apparently there was an autobot in both November and December of 2014 that archived nearly everything on the Message Boards website. This obviously includes forums and subforums that have since then been deleted. For instance, I discovered that all of the Lego Universe subforum in Classics was archived, along with all of the Lego News subforum. I haven't tried every forum/subforum yet but all the ones that I have tried have turned out to be archived at that point in time.
The next part of the blog will show you how to access the forum indexes.