Earlier today I was fooling around with the Internet Archive's saved copies of the Message Boards when I believe I made an important discovery. Most of the Message Boards has already been archived. Apparently there was an autobot in both November and December of 2014 that archived nearly everything on the Message Boards website. This obviously includes forums and subforums that have since then been deleted. For instance, I discovered that all of the Lego Universe subforum in Classics was archived, along with all of the Lego News subforum. I haven't tried every forum/subforum yet but all the ones that I have tried have turned out to be archived at that point in time.
The next part of the blog will show you how to access the forum indexes.
http://web.archive.org/web/*/https://community.lego.com/t5/LEGO-UNIVERSE/bd-p/* This link leads to an index listing all of the Lego Universe subforum pages that have been archived. You will need to add an asterisk after the "/web/" and the "/bd-p/" for each forum/subforum that you want to access. You can then search for individual pages in the search bar by the right by typing "page/(whichever page number you want)"
http://web.archive.org/web/*/https://community.lego.com/t5/LEGO-NEWS/bd-p/* Another example.
The next part of the blog will show you how to access the individual topic indexes.
http://web.archive.org/web/*/community.lego.com/t5/COMMUNITY-CHAT/LMB-Old-Timers/td-p/* This links to the LMB Old Timers topic. You will need to add an asterisk after the "/web/" and "/td-p/" for each topic that you want to access. You can then search for individual pages in the search bar by the right by typing "page/(whichever page number you want)"
http://web.archive.org/web/*/https://community.lego.com/t5/COMMUNITY-CHAT/THE-FINAL-GUARD-ADVANCED/td-p/* Another example.
So in conclusion, it appears to me that /everything/ that was live in November and December of 2014 has been archived at least once. This also appears true for the German Message Boards. I've tested it out with a couple of user pages and they are archived as well. If this is truly the case for the entirety of the Message Boards, then a huge part of the archiving process has already been completed. We can then focus our efforts on archiving everything from January of 2015 onward.
Please let me know in the comments if any of this needs clarification. I apologize if any of it is strangely worded.