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3303 posts

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Source: LEGO Message Boards
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Walktheplank (also known as WTP, Plank, or Agent Strike) is a user who joined the LEGO Message Boards on October 21, 2006. He has the rank Spartan Warrior, 3,358 posts, and 58 likes received. He mainly posted in the Classics Forum.


Walktheplank was the leader of the FALNS HQ 2 in the Agents Subforum before the FALNS team ended. The former leader of FALNS was ArghYeMatey. He was known for his Pirates roleplaying, and used to post in a few different roleplays, such as the Tsuiso HQ in the former Racers Headquarters subforum. On May 17, 2012 he announced his retirement due to school.

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